When Savannah Taylor decided to make Fitness Kickboxing a part of her weekly routine at Straight Blast Gym Atlanta, she went all in.

“Savannah is an incredible addition to the SBG Tribe. Not only is she a regular in Kickboxing classes but she rolls into the gym with a good attitude, ready to go. There’s no half-assing or complaining, she just locks her eyes forward and gets to business.”
These are the words of SBG Atlanta Fitness Kickboxing coach Jim Sheppard.

“She started training with us a couple months ago and it was evident, right from the rip, that she was going to be an awesome addition to the tribe.”
Savannah had been wanting to add kickboxing to her health and fitness routine for a while, and this past Spring she decided that the time was now. As she said “I want something that will push me and be fun.”
Savannah immediately became a regular in SBG Atlanta’s Fitness Kickboxing classes, attending 18 classes in the month of June! In addition to being a regular in classes, Savannah also participates in activities with her teammates outside of the gym. In June, she joined the tribe in Piedmont Park to run hill sprints and get in some pad work.

The coaches aren’t the only ones that have taken a liking to Savannah. Her teammates Myra Chao said this:
“Savannah is not only a beast (take a look at her spinning elbows, and you will agree with me) but has an infectious energy that will never fail to put a smile on your face. I’m grateful for her friendship both on and off the mat!”

A couple of weeks ago, Savannah linked up with Coach Min and several of her teammates to enjoy cocktails at Lady Bird, in Atlanta.

Savannah is off to an amazing start at Straight Blast Gym, and we’re stoked to have her with us. Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication, and congratulations on being selected as our Fitness Student of the Month!