Harrison Watkins is a part of our new Spidermonkey Jiu Jitsu program, designed for kids that are 4 and 5-years-old

Harrison began training at Straight Blast Gym Buford this past summer. At only four years old, Harrison was new to extracurricular activities and still trying to figure out what sport he wanted to be a part of. He started playing soccer earlier this year, and when the season was over his parents started looking at other options for him.
Harrison’s mother, Kara, told us:
“It has always been important to Eric that our boys at least try some form of martial arts, and Jiu Jitsu felt like the best choice. We loved that he was participating and learning something in every class.“

Before enrolling Harrison in SBG’s Kids Jiu Jitsu program, Kara and Eric wanted their son to watch a class so that they could get a gauge for what kind of interest he had in martial arts.
“When his soccer season ended last summer, we took him to watch a kids class to check it out. We asked him if he wanted to do another season of soccer or try Jiu Jitsu….he wanted to jump on the mat right then!”

Harrison’s enthusiasm transferred right into his training sessions, as he immediately brought great energy to his training sessions. It wasn’t long before he became one of his coach’s favorite students. Coach Carmen Garcia said this about Harrison:
“Harrison is such an awesome kid. He comes in for practice with a ton of energy and ready to train. He’s incredibly sweet and (Coach) Byron and I get a kick out of him coming up to us before class and telling us stories about things that have happened to him that day, which usually ends up with him telling us about most of his life, lol. He’s a trip.“

Harrison isn’t the only member of the Watkins family that trains at Straight Blast Gym Buford. Shortly after Kara and Eric enrolled their son in Jiu Jitsu, they began training as well (in the adult classes that is; we wouldn’t let them get in there and rough up the kids 😂).
Kara and Eric began training in SBG’s Foundations classes a couple of months ago and in November, they both graduated from Foundations and gained access to our Jiu Jitsu classes. Over the past few weeks they have both been regular attendees in our 6am and evening Jiu Jitsu classes.

Congratulations to December’s Kids Martial Arts Member of the Month, Harrison Watkins. Keep up the outstanding work!!