In a short amount of time, Harold Hayes has become an awesome addition to Straight Blast Gym Buford’s Growing Gorillas Jiu Jitsu program.

In March of 2022, Lauren Hayes enrolled her son Harold in SBG Buford’s Kids Jiu Jitsu program.
“My son was already doing gymnastics, but I also wanted him to learn to defend himself.“

Lauren is like many parents who want to arm their children with the tools to be able to defend themselves from would-be bullies. Young Harold, who was 7-years-old at the time, received his first Jiu Jitsu gi and began training at SBG Buford. Within a short amount of time, his coaches began boasting about the new addition to their program.
Coach Carmen Garcia said this about Harold:
“Harold is everything you could want in a student. He shows up ready to go, he listens, and takes direction well. Maybe most importantly he doesn’t disrupt class, which is really appreciated in the kids class. His excellent behavior serves as a great example of how to conduct yourself in class.”

When we asked Harold’s mother what he enjoys most about training Jiu Jitsu at Straight Blast Gym Buford, she told us this:
“Harold really likes his teammates. His favorite parts of class are when they do live rolling, and of course when they get to play dodgeball at the end of class.”

When Harold is not participating in Jiu Jitsu or gymnastics, he really enjoys the Japanese anime show My Hero Academia.

In closing, Coach Montana said this about his star student:
“Harold is a great student. He is one of the most attentive students in the entire class, and he is really good at working with others. I can always rely on Harold to be a safe and reliable training partner to his teammates.”