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  • Charlie Mazzatta is Straight Blast Gym Atlanta’s Kids Martial Arts Student of the Month for December 2022

    Charlie is the 3rd member of the Mazzatta family to begin training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at Straight Blast Gym, and she is off to an amazing start.

    This past June, young Charlie Mazzatta began training at Straight Blast Gym’s Buford location, joining our Growing Gorillas Jiu Jitsu program. Charlie’s older brother Aiden has been training at the Buford location for several years, as has her father RJ. RJ is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu purple belt who thought that it was important to get his children involved in martial arts at a young age.

    “SBG has played a key role for Charlie’s childhood. She grew up watching her dad and older brother, Aedan, train and compete in Jiu Jitsu. It was only a mater of time before she was old enough to start training, herself.”

    Charlie joined our SBG’s youngest group of Jiu Jitsu athletes, the Spidermonkeys. As one might imagine from a group of young children, the Spidermonkeys group can be a lot to handle, but Charlie immediately proved to be an incredible addition to the tribe. Coach Carmen Garcia tells us why:

    “Charlie is an awesome student. She always comes to class with a smile and great attittude. She used to be so shy when she first started but she has really come out of her shell the past few months and is showing her personality. She is a great listener and picks up on the techniques really quickly. She may be the smallest in the class but that never stops her from mixing it up with the bigger kids.”

    At the end of each class, the coaches announce one of their students as the Student of the Day, and that student pulls a playing card out of our deck. Once all of the cards are pulled we have a Pizza Pajama Party. Charlie’s stand-out behavior has led to her pulling our Student of the Day card on several occasions.

    In addition to displaying great behavior, Charlie’s Jiu Jitsu has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few months. Coach Carmen recently added another stripe to her built to represent her continued progression on the mat.

    When we asked Charlie’s mom what she liked most about training Jiu Jitsu at Straight Blast Gym Buford, she gave us this on Charlie’s behalf:

    “Her favorite part of training Jiu Jitsu are all of the fun games they play. Jiu Jitsu is helping Charlie to make new friends, build confidence, and learn the importance of self-defense.”

    One of the main reasons we opened Straight Blast Gym Buford back in 2010 was to create an environment where families can train together under one roof, and the Mazzatta family is an awesome example of that coming to fruition.

    Congratulations on being our Kids Student of the Month, Charlie. Keep up the outstanding work.

    Autumn Gentry

    is the co-owner and Marketing Director of SBG Atlanta (Buford & Druid Hills locations). Her husband is the Founder/Owner. She has been training Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Group Fitness, and Online Personal Training with SBG Atlanta since 2018 and is currently a Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt.