Join us on Sunday, August 7th, as Coach Sean Coleman teaches a 2-hour master class on back attacks, back escapes, set-ups, submissions, and much more!

“Taking the back” is a phrase you regularly hear in Brazilian Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts, and fighting in general. It’s an incredibly advantageous position to be in, as your opponent now has very little that they can do to you, offensively. On the flip side, having good back escapes is crucial in not getting choked out on the regular.
Possessing good back control gives you a big advantage in a fight or Jiu Jitsu matchup, while great back control almost ensures a victory. That being said, having great back control is something that takes a lot of time and patience to develop. For Coach Sean, he has been actively training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for over a dozen years, and over that time he has learned and developed a nasty, nasty back control game. In the interest of expediting his student’s learning curve, he has agreed to open up the vault and show us some of his best stuff.
On Sunday, August 7th, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt and Straight Blast Gym coach Sean Coleman will be sharing his vast wealth of martial arts knowledge during his 2 hour Back Attack to the Future workshop.

Coach Sean’s excellent back control has helped him to secure wins in both high-level Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Mixed Martial Arts contests. He tells us that on August 7th he’s planning to unleash details that will most assuredly change people’s Jiu Jitsu game and the way they approach the back; both offensively and defensively.

The cost of admission for Coach Sean’s Back Attack to the Future Jiu Jitsu workshop is $50, but register before August 1st and save $10!
Spots are limited to prevent overcrowding so don’t delay in securing your spot. We’ll see you on the mats!
(unless you don’t attend, in which case you’ll see us taking your back 🤣)