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  • Ashley Prado is Straight Blast Gym Buford’s Fitness Athlete of the Month for February 2022

    Ashley is coming up on her third year anniversary of training in SBG Buford’s Fitness Kickboxing classes.

    Ashley first began training in Straight Blast Gym Buford’s Fitness Kickboxing classes back in the Spring of 2019, after her friend and SBG kickboxing student Betty Dobson recommend the program to her. She jumped in head first and never looked back, becoming a staple of our Kickboxing classes, especially our 9:30am classes.

    Aimee Cagle, who joined the tribe shortly after Aimee in the summer of 2019, gave us some more insight into her friend and teammate:

    “We have been friends for about 4 years when we went to another gym together. She started coming to SBG in 2019 and I decided to try it as well after hearing her rave about it. 2.5 years later and we’re still training together several times per week.”

    Aimee and Ashley are almost always in class together, bringing great energy to the mats. Aimee continued about her friend, Ashley:

    “What I love about Ashley is how motivating she is. We try and push each other and really be there for each other. There are definitely days that I don’t feel like going to the gym, but if I ask her to go with me she will always say yes, which then motivates me to go. She’s like my fitness buddy, lol. She is alays willing o help out anyone, whether it’s a longtime friend or brand new student.”

    Ashley’s dedication to her friend and teammate was really put on display about a year ago when Aimee found herself in a really nasty car accident.

    “That accident put me out of the gym for almost 9 months and when I was finally able to come back, Ashely was there to make that transition much easier than it should have been. She not only helped me to get back to my previous level of fitness but also helped to make sure I didn’t reinjure myself. She really inspries me to do my best!”

    It is that kind of motivation and enthusiasm that led to Ashley being selected by her coaches as the Fitness Student of the Month. Her frequent Fitness Kickboxing Coach Carmen Garcia told us this about one of her favorite students:

    “It is automatic that Ashley is going to show up for class with a positive attitude. She is always available to give me some exercise ideas when I want to get the students in class more involved with the workout that we are doing that day. She likes to push herself and all of her teammates and she is always wanting to do harder versions of the workout that we are doing. Girl is a machine!”

    Ashley is not only a great member of the tribe during Kickboxing classes but also outside of the gym, where she can regularly be found at Fight Night’s and other SBG events with her friends and teammates.

    When asked about what Ashley enjoys when she is not kickboxing at SBG Buford, Aimee Cagle gave us this:

    “She’s an amazing mom to her daughter, Avery. She spends a lot of time making sure that Avery makes it to all of her extra curricular activies like cheerleading and lacrose. She also loves her dog Chase. He is a German Shepard and she loves him so very much.”

    Great work Ashley, and thank you for all of your hard work and dedication in our Fitness Kickboxing classes.

    Autumn Gentry

    is the co-owner and Marketing Director of SBG Atlanta (Buford & Druid Hills locations). Her husband is the Founder/Owner. She has been training Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Group Fitness, and Online Personal Training with SBG Atlanta since 2018 and is currently a Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt.