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  • Tracie Shaw is April’s Fitness Member of the Month


    Since starting her fitness training at SBG Buford last October, Tracie has LOST 35 POUNDS!!

    Tracie Shaw came to Straight Blast Gym Buford looking for a new and fresh environment; one that would keep her motivated and accountable. Last September, she walked through our doors and met Fitness Coach James Morton. The two began working together, one-on-one, with the goal of getting Tracie to look and feel better than she has in years.

    With a combination of strength training and dietary changes, Tracie began to see positive results. In November, she began training in Fitness Kickboxing classes to add more cardiovascular activity into her workout routine. The combination proved to be outstanding, as Tracie began to steadily drop body fat and gain lean muscle.

    “This has been such a great journey and I am so appreciative of our entire SBG tribe. All of the Coaching Team and SBG members motivate me each and every day to give it my all… AND to get back many more times during the week for more. This type of gym life is what helps folks to create and maintain healthy habits, as well as strength and mental endurance… so thank you!”

    Tracie’s efforts at Straight Blast Gym have been nothing short of fantastic, and she continues to make amazing strides towards living her best life.

    I consider myself halfway to my goal of maintenance. I’ve challenged myself to see exactly how much I can transform my body and to learn exactly what this human body can do. I look forward to reaching all of my goals with Coach James… the Picasso of Personal Training and the awesome Kickboxing multiple times a week with Coach Tyler and Coach Alex… they are absolutely fabulous!

    Jim Sheppard

    is one of the co-owners of Straight Blast Gym Buford and Straight Blast Gym Atlanta. He has been training / coaching / competing in Muay Thai since 2013 and holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.