Matt Thornton is coming to Buford for the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu seminar of the year!
Matt Thornton is the president and founder of Straight Blast Gym International. A pioneer of mixed martial arts, Matt was one of the first men to combine the elements of boxing, Brazilian
The creator of “aliveness” training, Matt and Straight Blast Gym did away with training sessions that only consisted of static and dead-pattern-drills, where the participants would simply practice moves. With aliveness, the athletes were able to put their training to the test in a more dynamic and live-action setting, against another
On June 17th and 18th, Matt will be hosting

This is a two day Brazilian Jiu Jitsu seminar that will be held from 10am until 3pm on both Saturday and Sunday, with a one hour lunch break in the middle.
Members and non-members are all welcome to come and learn from one of the most acclaimed and knowledgeable American-born
Pricing is as follows for the 2 day Brazilian
$175 for non-members
$150 for Foundations athletes
$125 for Immersion and SAP athletes
$100 for
$75 for Legacy athletes