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  • Ian Burk is Our Fitness Member of the Month!

    You’ll be hard pressed to find someone who displays more tanacity and perseverance in our Fitness Performance and Bootcamp classes than Ian Burk.

    Ian is a regular in our 6am Performance Fitness class at Straight Blast Gym Buford. For the last 6 months, he has dedicated himself to improving the way he looks and feels by starting his day with a mix of strength training, gymnastics, plyometrics, endurance conditioning, and core strengthening. His coach in the 6am Fitness Performance class, James Morton, had this to say about Ian.

    crossfit, fitness, bootcamp

    “Ian is such a hard worker. He shows up to class, ready to go, no matter what kind of obstacles he is dealing with in his schedule. Even when there is a movement in that days class that Ian hasn’t mastered yet, he’ll still be there giving his all. A couple weeks ago we were doing sled pushes and Ian wasn’t satisfied with his performance. He stuck around after class, drank some water, and went out there and did the sled pushes again. THAT….was awesome!”

    That attitude is something that Ian one of our most inspirational and motivational athletes. When faced with adversity, Ian bites down and keeps moving forward. The Fitness Performance and Bootcamp classes at Straight Blast Gym are about more than just getting in great shape, they’re about building mental toughness. Ian is a great example of this, often staying after class to work on weight lifting or gymnastic movements from that days class.

    When Ian first came to Straight Blast Gym Buford last November, he said that one of the areas he needed improvement was in his work/life balance. Moving up in his career, he’d been neglecting his health and physical well-being. He expressed how important it was for him to not only look good, but feel good.


    Because of his busy work schedule, he knew that the 6am Performance classes would be the only realistic time slot for him to make it to the gym. Ian made the decision to do it and hasn’t look back since.


    Keep up the great work Ian!


    Autumn Gentry

    is the co-owner and Marketing Director of SBG Atlanta (Buford & Druid Hills locations). Her husband is the Founder/Owner. She has been training Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Group Fitness, and Online Personal Training with SBG Atlanta since 2018 and is currently a Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt.