Give yourself the tools and know-how to defend yourself from those looking to do you harm.

Straight Blast Gym is hosting a FREE self-defense seminar in Piedmont Park on Saturday, September 25th. Inspired by the recent and tragic events that have happened in and around Piedmont Park, SBG Atlanta’s Head Martial Arts Coach Phil Gentry has decided to put together this oh-so-important event for the community.
The cost of admission is ZERO, as this is our way of giving back and helping to equip the people of ATL with the basic skills needed to prevent an attack. The seminar will be available to both adults and children but be advised that there will be some graphic discussion during this event so please don’t bring anyone too young to mentally process what’s being discussed. There will be drills that require a partner. Our suggestion is that you bring a friend to work with.

This seminar will be taught by Straight Blast Gym Atlanta’s Head Coach, Phil Gentry. Coach Phil is an incredibly accomplished and revered martial arts coach in Atlanta, having been voted the Martial Arts coach of the year twice by his peers.

We will respect everyone’s concerns for COVID and respect those that want social distancing. However, unless you have someone that you’re comfortable partnering with, you will be limited with what you can do.
We will be meeting on the main lawn near Park Tavern. Park in the lot behind Park Tavern and walk down the hill, and you’ll see us right away. We’ll also have some signs out so that it’s easy to find us.