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  • Fitness Performance Challenge 2019

    Starting on Monday, January 28th, Straight Blast Gym will begin our 2019 Performance Challenge!

    It’s a new year, and people are in the mindset to create a new and improved version of themselves. A big part of that is having the accountability to make changes, and the statistical data to show you your progress.

    On Monday, January 28th, SBG Buford will begin our Performance Challenge, a health, fitness, and wellness challenge that will last 8 weeks. Here’s the scoop:

    On January 28th, we will have a portable hydrostatic truck come out to Straight Blast Gym Buford. Participants of the Performance Challenge will do a supervised, under-water weigh-in, that will register their body fat and muscle composition.

    The hydrostatic testing will give you a very detailed print-out of your body composition, including your muscle and body fat %. This is your starting point.

    On that same day, January 28th, we will be doing the Baseline in all of our Fitness Performance classes. The baseline consists of the following:

    • 500 meter row
    • 40 air squats
    • 30 sit ups
    • 20 push ups
    • 10 pull ups

    In addition to learning your body composition and doing your first day baseline test, we will also be using the SBG Buford app to track your attendance during the 8 week Performance challenge. A big part of the Performance Challenge is keeping our fitness and martial arts athletes accountable for their participation and activity at Straight Blast Gym.

    All SBG athletes who participate in the Performance Challenge will receive a Straight Blast Gym Fuel Guide, full of AWESOME information and recipies to help you succeed during the competition. Also, we will.

    At the end of the 8 week Performance Challenge, we will use three measureables to determine our winner:

    • Fastest Baseline test
    • Most classes attended
    • Highest % of body fat lost

    Our overall winner will receive a gym bag courtesy of Lynx Barbell.

    Our individual category winners (attendance, baseline, and body fat % lost) will each receive their choice of a speed rope or magnetic massage-balls from Lynx Barbell.

    The Performance Challenge is open to all SBG Buford athletes, whether they are training in martial arts, kickboxing, or group fitness classes.

    Let’s get our 2019 off to a great start, and get in incredible shape!

    visit lynxbarbell.com

    Autumn Gentry

    is the co-owner and Marketing Director of SBG Atlanta (Buford & Druid Hills locations). Her husband is the Founder/Owner. She has been training Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Group Fitness, and Online Personal Training with SBG Atlanta since 2018 and is currently a Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt.