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  • Brenton is February’s Kid of the Month!


    Brenton just recently was invited to SBG’s Leadership program.


    The Leadership program in an invitation only group for those kids who excel in our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program. Since joining the Tribe in August, Brenton has shown signs of improvement that warranted him an invitation to this exclusive group. The coaches look for certain traits, like accountability, respect, and eagerness to learn. Brenton pocessed the qualtities necessary to take his training to the next level. Coach Sean Coleman on Brenton:


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    “Brenton..is..awesome. It was a pleasure to invite him to Leadership group. He’s been showing up to class twice per week, every week, and it was clear he wanted more. He’s got the right attitude, and the right physical build, to be a monster in jiu jitsu.”


    Brenton has been training at SBG since August. When asked why he first started training in Brazilian Jiu JItsu at Straight Blast Gym, Brenton’s mother, Samantha, said the following:


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    “First in foremost we wanted to get his face out of the screen and doing something more active. He wasn’t excited about team sports so we wanted to try something new. Jiu Jitsu was hands on, and we also saw this as a place for him to make new friends.”


    It’s a common reason that parents want their kids to begin doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and Brenton fit right in. He has quickly become someone that leads by example, both on and off of the mats. We are excited to see what the future holds for young Brenton, as he has both the physical and mental tools to be AWESOME at Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a long, long time.


    Jim Sheppard

    is one of the co-owners of Straight Blast Gym Buford and Straight Blast Gym Atlanta. He has been training / coaching / competing in Muay Thai since 2013 and holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.