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  • Amanda Zazoni is August’s Fitness Athlete of the Month

    Amanda decided to make some major lifestyle changes, and it has led to her dropping over 100 pounds!!


    “I joined SBG Buford because I was looking for something new, fun, and a community. I had been training by myself for a few years and I was just kind of tired of it.”


    It’s a common tale amongst new athletes at Straight Blast Gym Buford.  They join because they are tired of the same-old same-old; endless hours on the treadmill at your local globo gym, or working out alone in their garage.  Amanda was tired of her stale routine and wanted something different.  She has now become an ideal athlete in SBG’s Fitness Performance and Fitness Kickboxing classes, thanks to her hard work and amazing attitude. 

    Amanda is a regular in our 6am Fitness Performance classes, religiously attending classes Monday through Friday.  On top of that she will occasionally train twice per day, coming back in the evening’s for Fitness Kickboxing. 


    Head Group Fitness Coach James Morton said this about Amanda:

    “Amanda is super consistent in her training and a very hard worker. She doesn’t complain at all, never makes excuses, and is always up for any challenge I place in front of her. It’s also a huge plus that she is almost always early for class, is never disruptive, and always does a great job cleaning up after herself.”


    Amanda’s dedication to her health and the Tribe exemplifies why she is our Fitness Athlete of the Month.  In addition to being popular with her coaches and teammates, she has undergone an INCREDIBLE body transformation because of her awesome work-ethic.


    When asked about why she loves Straight Blast Gym Buford, Amanda added this:

    “I love being able to suffer through a workout with someone else, and get a little bit of friendly competition every now and again. I love that the classes push me outside of my comfort zone every day, but they never push me too far which is the real magic.”


    Congratulations Amanda, and keep up the outstanding work!!



    Amanda is the owner and operator of the Canine Adventure Company.  You can access their website right here: 


    Autumn Gentry

    is the co-owner and Marketing Director of SBG Atlanta (Buford & Druid Hills locations). Her husband is the Founder/Owner. She has been training Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, Group Fitness, and Online Personal Training with SBG Atlanta since 2018 and is currently a Jiu Jitsu Blue Belt.